GACA Profile

In 1948, the authority responsible for civil aviation in the Kingdom was established under the name Civil Aviation Authority. It encompassed both Saudi Airlines and the Civil Aviation Administration. In 1959, Saudi Airlines was separated from the Civil Aviation Authority, and the latter was renamed the Civil Aviation Directorate. In 1977, the name Civil Aviation Directorate was changed to the Civil Aviation Presidency.

In accordance with Cabinet Resolution No. (13), issued on 17/1/1425 AH (2004 AD), the Civil Aviation Presidency was transformed into a public authority with legal personality and financial and administrative independence. It began operating according to commercial principles and standards, and its name was changed to the General Authority of Civil Aviation.

On 9/12/1432 AH (2011 AD), Royal Decree No. A/230 was issued, separating the General Authority of Civil Aviation from the Ministry of Defense. This move aimed to grant the authority greater independence and to enable the development of the air transport industry in the Kingdom. Subsequently, on 30/7/1437 AH (2016 AD), Royal Decree No. A/133 was issued, linking the General Authority of Civil Aviation to the Ministry of Transport.

On 11/4/1438 AH (2017 AD), Royal Decree No. (17049) was issued, mandating the separation of operational functions from legislative functions within the authority. This restructuring aimed to strengthen its role as a legislator and regulator of the air transport industry in the Kingdom, ensuring impartiality and equitability among all operators and stakeholders in the sector.

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