This Circulars for the attention of Aviation Air Transport, Airlines, Air Operators, Airlines, Air Cargo and Airmen.
(إلحاقي )الاجراءات المتخذة والاحتياطات الاحترازية اللازمة لمنع تفشي فيروس كورونا الجديد (COVID-19) في الوقت الراهن
Accept all passenger’s luggage for Saudi nationals or holders of legal residence on flights departing from Canada to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Airport Building Charges (ABC) for Domestic Flights
Carrying the passenger holding business visa or work visit visas holders during the Hajj season
Circular on the exemption of citizens of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from visas to the Republic of Kazakhstan
Circulation of the obligation to disclose
Communication with the National Travelers Center in cases of any observations or queries relevant to sending (APP/PNR) data to the Passengers Registration System
Compliance to send all passengers data (APP/PNR) in advance, to the Passenger Registration System (APP/PNR) at the National Information Center
Compliance with Customer Protection Regulations
Comply on the regulations for import and management of chemicals
Confirming the Extension of deadline for submitting the corrective action plans to the NCEC (Dated: 22/03/2022)
Ensure that (return or connection) tickets are confirmed and not refundable or cancelled before carrying Umrah passengers to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ensure the validity of the Hajj and Umrah visa issued electronically (E-VISA) by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the check in counters
Extension of duration of accreditation/acceptance of the Security programs
Extension of the New GACARs Implementation Data (as per GACARs Part-199)
Foreign Operators Authorization and Aircraft Leasing
GACA Online Medical Certification System
Implementation of the self-service initiative for passengers at Saudi airports, which has been approved by the International Air Transport Association (IATA)
Importance & Commitment GACA Regulations (GACARs) part 157 & EBook Vol. (17) about Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme For International Aviation (CORSIA)
Integration between national air carriers system and all operating companies in Saudi airports along with airports information system to provide live data regarding flights and number of passengers
Linking with Shomous (2) Platform
Mandatory Reporting of Statistical data by each owner\operator of Saudi Arabian Registered Aircraft with issued Certificates of Airworthiness
Monitoring of Cosmic Radiation Exposure in Aviation
Monitoring some cases of Saudi nationals departing from Saudi Arabian airports with regular passports
National Air Carrier and Aircraft Operators Certified From GACA That Engaged With International Flights
National air carriers poor commitment to properly register passengers identity data on domestic flights
On the new procedures for obtaining New Zealand visas
Passengers Information Records (Manifest)
Regarding the Saudi citizens visiting India
Requirement to obtain appropriate authorization from the Nuclear and Radiological Regulatory Commission
Rules and Regulations Related to Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Scheduled dates for carrying Umrah passengers to the Kingdom of Saurdi Arabia
Shipments of medicines and pharmaceutical preparations
Terms and conditions of using GACA ChatBot
The allowed quantities of tobacco products imported by traveller
The compliance obligation to the instruction about the remaining period of Saudi National' passports, permitted to travel to Arabian countries and other countries
The electronic visas for those coming to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia whether to perform Hajj/Umrah or to attend events
The multiple entry tourist visa taht was launched on September 27th, 2019
The obligation not to ship animal consignments without obtaining an import permission from the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture
The obligation not to transport animal's consignments without obtaining an import permission from the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture
To accept passengers holding Qatar nationality who are wishing to perform Umrah or Hajj to travel to King Abdul Aziz International Airport in Jeddah
Transferring seasonal labor through airlines
Uplifting female passengers holding Hajj or Umrah visas to travel without their (Mahram))
آلية الحجر المؤسسي النسخة 18
اجراءات لتحقق من حالة تحصين المقيمين قبل تصعيدهم للطائرة المغادرة إلى المملكة
الاجراءات المتخذة والاحتياطات الاحترازية اللازمة لمنع تفشي فيروس كورونا الجديد (COVID-19) (نموذج الافصاح)
الاجراءات المتخذه والاحتياطات الاحترازية الازمة لمنع تفشي قيروس كورونا
الاقرار بعدم وجود ركاب لديهم اعراض تشير إلى الاشتباه بمرض كورونا
تعليمات التوعية اللازمة لمنع تفشي فيروس كورونا
تعميم الركاب القادمين من دولة مصر أو بعض دول الخليج
تعميم بتاريخ 28/5/2020 الدليل الارشادي للتشغيل في ظل جائحة كورونا
تعميم بتاريخ 28/5/2020 بخصوص استئناف الرحلات الداخلية
تعميم بخصوص تعليق السفر الى كل من الدول التالية ، السودان، إثيوبيا، جنوب السودان، الصزمال ،كينيا، جيبوتي ،إرتريا)
تعميم بخصوص تعليق السماح بالسفر ومنع دخول القادمين وايقاف الرحلات مؤقتاً الى بعض الدول (محدث)
تعميم بخصوص تعليق السماح بالسفر ومنع دخول القادمين الى بعض الدول وايقاف الرحلات مؤقتاً
تعميم بخصوص تعليق السماح بالسفر ومنع دخول القادمين الى بعض الدول
تعميم بخصوص نموذج الافصاح لمنع تفشي فيروس كورونا
تعميم بشأن التقيد بأهمية الالتزام بأحكام نظام البيئة
تعميم بشأن تعقيم و رش الطائرات
تعميم بشأن دخول مواطني مجلس التعاون لدول الخليج العربي إلى مدينتي مكة المكرمة والمدينة المنورة
تعميم تعليق السفر الى كل من الدول التالية( الفلبين ، الهند ، باكستان، سريلانكا، اندونيسيا) ودول الاتحاد الاوروبي وسويسرا
تعميم تعليق تاشيرات الركاب القادمين من بعض الدول
تعميم تعليق جميع الرحلات الداخلية
تعميم تعليق كافة الرحلات الدولية لمدة اسبوعين واستثناء للمعتمرين
تعميم تعليق كافة الرحلات الدولية لمدة اسبوعين
تعميم تمديد تعليق الرحلات الجوية الدولية والداخلية
تعميم خاص بمطار الأمير محمد بن عبدالعزيز بخصوص فايروس كورونا
تعميم دليل ارشادات منع انتشار فيروس كورونا لطاقم المقصورة والشحن
2013-01 Techniques to reduce TCAS Resolution Advisories
Airmen Licenses/Certificates Validity Period
Appointment of Airport Coordination Australia (ACA) to coordinate slots at all KSA airports
Arrival of number of Saudi citizens to the State of Philippines and refusal of their entry by Manila Airport authorities for not having tickets with them in accordance with the Philippines laws
Cancellation of Hajj visa sticker issued by the Saudi Arabian Embissies and validation of information via MFOA website
Cancellation of Umrah visa sticker issued by the some Saudi Arabian reprisintitive
Coordinate with coalition forces for Humanitarian and MIDIVAC activity to-from the Republic of Yemen
Disinsection of (mosquito) on board of aircraft operating to the kingdom of Saudi Arabia from countries infected with Zika virus
English Language Proficiency (ELP)
Exemption of certain passengers from Airport Building Charges (ABC) for international flights
Facilitation the travel procedures of the beneficiaries of the national campaign period to track and control those who violates the residency and employment system and border security
Fire Prevention Regulations for Facilities. Part One, Third Edition 2016
Flying from/to Qatar instructions (Part 1)
Flying from/to Qatar instructions (Part 2)
Freight and cargo handling contracts for Cargo aircraft at KAIA, KKIA and KFIA
GACAR Part 61 Airmen Ground/Flight Instructors
GACAR Part 66 Airmen License/Certificate
Ground handling contracts at airports in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Importance of referring to (911) as an emergency number for the security authorities in Makkah Al Mukarramah Region, which should be emphasized by writing it on boarding passes for all Flights to the Jeddah and Taif governorates.
Installation of leakage control systems for entities using/handling dangerous goods or toxic materials
Issuance of Customer Protection Regulation
Management of Aircaft Operating TO-FROM Class G Airspace
New GACARs Coming into force date 01 March 2016
Obligation compliance by airlines to send the latest version of (PNRGOV)
Operating an Aircraft without Pilot Permit
Operational use of the new Taxiways and East Apron at OEMA - Mad
Passengers Information Statements
Payment of Outstanding Charges.
Perceiving Saudi Citizens traveling to Arab Countries and other countries with the required remaining period in the passport
Perceiving citizens traveling to the Gulf cooperation council countries (GCC) with the national identity card, to ensure the solidity of the identity card and its validity before travel
Prohibition of sending Passenger Name Record (PNR) and Departure Control System (DCS) to any state before obtaining an approval from General Authority of Civil Aviation
Recognition of passports of citizens of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United State of America as being valid for six months beyond the stated expiry date
Reminder circular regarding Airport Building Charger (ABC) for international flights
Restriction on entry of Cola (Goro) Nuts in large quantities
SER ASSD SURVEY-01 - Aerodrome Survey Requirements - Edition 1
Sending Passenger information (APP/PNR) to the Passenger Registration System at the Ministry of Interior
Sending Passengers Information for Private Flight
Temporary Ban on Importing bee colonies from state of Sao Paulo,BR
Temporary Ban on Importing bee colonies from the State of Italy to Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Temporary Ban on Importing live Catfish from Zimbabwe to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Temporary Ban on Importing live prawns from the state of Australia to the kingdom of Saudi Arabia