GACA president visits the Hajj and Umrah Services Conference and Exhibition in Jeddah

January 9, 2024

Today, His Excellency the President of the General Authority of Civil Aviation, Mr. Abdulaziz Al-Duailej, visited the Hajj and Umrah Services Conference and Exhibition held in Jeddah from January 8 to 11, 2024.

During the tour, His Excellency visited the booths of the participating entities, the services provided to the Umrah visitors, including pilgrims and Umrah performers, and the initiatives presented by the participating entities in the exhibition, which are in development and undergoing major qualitative shifts that have contributed to the management and facilitation of their procedures since the beginning of the Hajj and Umrah pilgrimage. An explanation of the electronic services that are available is provided by the authorities to facilitate the journey of Hajj and Umrah pilgrims in line with Saudi Vision 2030, which aims to enhance the Kingdom’s leading role in serving Hajj and Umrah pilgrims.

His Excellency also visited the air transport system’s booth, learning about its efforts and services provided to the Umrah visitors and what it provides in the field of expanding air traffic, in addition to the most important qualitative initiatives and programs presented at the Kingdom’s airports in serving the Umrah visitors, which come within the sector’s strategic objectives, including: the “Mecca Road” initiative, which aims to facilitate the procedures for the arrival of pilgrims to the Kingdom, by completing all arrival procedures before the pilgrims leave their countries, including customs and passport procedures, and contributing to reducing waiting times and improving the flow of pilgrims at airports, and more than 240,000 pilgrims benefited from it, and the “Travel Without Bag Initiative.” Which enables pilgrims to complete their travel and baggage procedures, receive their luggage tags, and board the plane from their residences, in addition to the “Zamzam Packages Pre-Charge Initiative,” which aims to pre-ship Zamzam packages on transit flights.

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