Comprehensive Evaluation of Airport Services A Program to Enhance the Quality of Services for Passengers

25 july , 2023 
In line with its regulatory and supervisory responsibilities over the aviation and airport sector, and in alignment with Saudi Vision 2030 and the Saudi Aviation sector Strategy, the GACA is implementing a new initiative - the "Comprehensive Evaluation of Airport Service Quality" program. This program harmonizes performance measurement indicators and standards, enabling diligent monitoring of services provided to passengers. Moreover, the initiative fosters passenger engagement through data collection and analysis, incorporating passenger feedback collected through various communication channels to continually refine services.
Designed to incorporate the best practices and innovative approaches in the sector, the Comprehensive Evaluation of Airport Service Quality program comprises four integral pillars. These aim to assess the passenger experience across the Kingdom's airports by tracking passenger satisfaction, waiting times, the quality of airport facilities and services, and airports' approach to managing passenger complaints.
The first pillar, the Operational Performance Standards program, sets out 14 fundamental service quality standards. These represent the base level of service required at critical stages of the passenger journey and provide a unified framework for measurement and reporting. Waiting times are measured via a unified methodology and benchmarked against predefined targets. These standards, established based on global best practices in the aviation industry, cover key stages of travel including check-in, security and customs inspections, baggage reception, and delays associated with airport operations. GACA issues monthly reports on airport compliance and waiting times via its main platforms.
The second pillar, the "Airport Facilities and Services Quality Evaluation List", encompasses over 1500 assessment criteria for airport facilities and services. This includes, but is not limited to, aspects like airport websites, informational displays and signages, general facilities, checkpoints, passenger support equipment, dining and shopping areas, internet service, waiting areas, and the overall aesthetic appeal. A dedicated inspection team conducts annual field visits to assess all airports in the Kingdom, with each airport's rank determined annually. This evaluation list was devised based on world-leading standards used for airport, hotel, and restaurant assessments, drawing on the experience of the GACA’s inspection team.
The third pillar, the "Passenger Satisfaction Survey", provides a platform for passengers to express their opinions and satisfaction levels with airport services. This survey, conducted in departure lounges prior to boarding, consists of 36 questions about service and facility satisfaction. The results are shared on a quarterly basis. The final version of this survey, which is used uniformly across all Kingdom airports, was developed inline with global best practices in passenger surveys.
The fourth pillar, "Passenger Complaints", tracks and assesses complaints submitted to GACA, focusing on four key performance indicators: passenger satisfaction with resolutions, adherence to service level agreements for complaint handling, how the airport handles the complaint from the initial contact, and the volume of complaints per million passengers.
To ensure passenger voices are heard and their complaints duly addressed, GACA has established multiple communication channels, including a call center, website, email, Twitter account, and WhatsApp. Monthly reports, highlighting airport performance and responsiveness in addressing complaints, are issued through the Authority's primary platforms.