Saudi Arabian Technical Standard Order Authorizations (SATSOA)


This service allows the beneficiaries to apply for a Saudi Arabian Parts Manufacturer Approval (SAPMA) under the provisions of GACAR Part 21 Subpart G to produce replacement and modification for use on Saudi Arabian-registered aircraft. (GACAR § 21.271).

Organizations producing articles under the provisions of GACAR Part 21
Familiarity with the TSO process.
Interim Measures; as indicated in GACA eBook Vol. 6 Ch. 5 Sec. 1, the SATSO procedural requirements are based on similar requirements used by FAA (Ref. 14 CFR Part 21, Subpart O) and the following FAA references will be used:
FAA Advisory Circular 21-46 (as amended), Technical Standard Order Program.
Required Forms
Required Documents
1.Letter of application addressed to General Manager of Airworthiness. See additional help.
2.Certification Plan
3.Compliance Checklist or Matrix
4.Technical Data ((**) see additional Help)
5.A statement of conformance certifying that the applicant has met the requirements of GACAR Part 21 subpart J and that the article concerned meets the applicable TSO (*)
6.Quality Manual (if a new PMA applicant, or changes/revisions when applicable).
7.List of proposed designees and GACA concurrences (if required).
8.Approval privileges document (FAA ACO Agreement, FAA ODA, EASA Design Organization Approval, or equivalent) (if applicable).).
9.Company Manual (Handbook, Procedures, Work Instructions) related to the intended certification activities.
10.Proof of fee payment.
Delivery Time
120 business days
Terms and Conditions
1. For use on Saudi Arabian-registered aircraft 2. A TSO authorization does not approve the article to any airworthiness regulations, requirements, or other standards except the Minimum Performance Standard (MPS) listed in the specific TSO
Additional Help
1.Refer to GACA eBook Vol. 6 Ch. 5 Sec. 1
2. The letter of application should be of sufficient detail to allow the GACA to make the decision to support the project. 
3. A person who wants to install a TSO article in a product must obtain a separate approval under the type certification process to show the article meets the applicable airworthiness requirements for the product. The person approving the installation of the article in the product must evaluate the TSO performance criteria and article installation instructions to determine if they are adequate for meeting the airworthiness requirements of the product.

(*) A statement of conformance certifying that the applicant has met the requirements of GACAR Part 21 subpart J and that the article concerned meets the applicable TSO that is effective on the date of application for that article.

(**) One copy of the technical data required in the applicable TSO,  including but not limited to:
a. .The TSO number for which the authorization is requested;
b. The manufacturer’s name and physical address of the principal facility that controls the design and quality of the article;
c. A statement from the manufacturer certifying that it meets the requirements of part 21, subpart O, and the specific requirements o the applicable TSO;
d. A copy of the technical data required by the TSO;
e. A description of the applicant’s organization as required by § 21.605; and
f. A manual describing the applicant’s quality system that meets the requirements of § 21.277 as required by § 21.279. Applicants who currently hold TSOAs must submit revisions to the existing quality manual as necessary.
g. Any Non-TSO Functions (NTF) data for which you seek acceptance.

Help Documents
