Human Resources


  • Initiate a description of the basic tasks of a given organizational unit as a whole, then detail the tasks of each of its sub-unit, so as to determine the distribution of work at every administrative level.
  • Avoid duplication of normal everyday tasks required to be observed at each unit, given the fact these are not additional tasks, but duties that are part of every official’s responsibilities. Examples of these duties are:
  • Referring to and complying with the policies and procedures in place at any given time.
  • Cooperating with other organizational units within an official’s respective department, especially when working under pressure.
  • Coordinate with other departments and sections concerned with any given procedures.
  • Maintain effective communication and information flow.
  • Figure day-to-day tasks into the overall working plans.
  • Promote and monitor achievement and performance.
  • Ensure the confidentiality and integrity of documents and paperwork.
  • Ensure the safety and proper usage of tools and equipment.
  • Prepare periodic and emergency reports.
  • Highlight the procedural roles and responsibilities of each unit, regardless of which official has the authority to approve or endorse any given procedure (the powers assigned to respective officials are governed by HR’s list of authorities.)
  • Prepare and develop policies and codes for training and scholarships.
  • Study, analyze, plan, and determine the training needs of all members of the Authority’s staff.
  • Instill the concept of evaluation and testing as parameters for hiring and career advancement.
  • Create a new culture of development in the Authority.
  • Develop a model of best practices that other institutions can draw upon.
  • Rationalize hiring and job appointments in a way that uses scientific and modern technological methods.
  • Evaluate employees using new methods and mechanisms that aid development, growth and career advancement.
  • Prepare the annual overall training plan for the Authority’s staff in cooperation with other sectors, and get it approved by the official(s) in charge.
  • Prepare training path plans in coordination with the Human Resources Planning and Development Department.
  • Register employees eligible to participate in training programs and courses.
  • Make plans for training activities.
  • Examine how and how much the subject matter of training courses fit in with the actual work of training candidates.
  • Hold specialized training courses to qualify new recruits and develop their abilities.
  • Outsource training programs and courses in all fields of civil aviation for the Authority’s staff to private training institutions.
  • Examine and evaluate the content of these outsourced training courses.
  • Design and manage training evaluation processes within the Kingdom and abroad and cooperate with the best training institutions.
  • Devise scholarship plans for the Authority’s staff as a way to fulfil the Authority’s needs in trained personnel, and coordinate with other concerned government institutions in that regard.
  • Prepare cooperation agreements with universities and represent the Authority in the coordination, implementation and follow-up of these agreements.
  • Build a database of the training courses each and every member of staff ever had.
  • Follow up on the progress of training activities and verify the extent to which they meet the Authority’s training objectives to ensure the quality of training.


As part of the General Authority for Civil Aviation’s quest to accomplish its objectives and ensure that its strategic objectives are met, the Authority strives to provide distinguished, high-quality services to its staff. The Human Resources Sector is the primary enabler of creating capable technical and administrative manpower, and developing a full-fledged system of advanced laws, regulations, codes, and benefits that aim to achieve the best possible investment in our human resources and the highest possible job satisfaction.
The sector also relies on fact-based planning and specialized training to habilitate and develop the skills and capabilities of the Authority’s staff through pioneering training and ability-building programs, strategic partnerships, and exceptional technicians and administrators, so as to take our human assets to the highest levels, and establish a proper basis for evaluating them professionally, technically and personally, based on the latest scientific and technical methods.

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Human Resources

