الأدلة و الإستثناءات التنظيمية الخاصة بجائحة كورونا (كوفيد - ١٩)
01 [29-May-2020] GACA Info Circular - The Restart of Domestic Air Operations on May 31st, 2020
02 [11-Oct-2020] ICAO Contracting States Accepting COVID-19 Related Differences Filed by Saudi Arabia
03 [27-May-2020] GACA Recommendations for Operational Considerations in Managing COVID-19 Risks (Version 1.0)
04 [15-Oct-2020] GACA Recommendations and Guidelines for Operational Considerations in Managing COVID-19 Risks (Version 2.0)
05 [21-Dec-2020] Post Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccination precautions for GACA Certificated Aviation professionals requiring a GACA medical certification
06 [28-FEB-2021] Post Oxford Astrazeneca and Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccination precautions for GACA Certificated Aviation professionals requiring a GACA medical certification
01 [4-2020-01] [13-April-2020] Specific Reliefs for Air Crew and Flight Dispatchers
02 [5-2020-117] [03-May-2020] Temporary Exemption from Carriage of Cargo in the Passenger Compartment
03 [5-2020-118] [04-May-2020] GACA Regulatory exemption from GACAR PART 66 aircraft maintenance technician (AMT) extended license validity period
04 [4-2020-02] [12-May-2020] Regulatory Exemption for CNS technicians and ATCOs who are regulated under GACAR Part 64 and GACAR Part 173
05 [4-2020-01A] [29-JUN-2020] Specific Reliefs for Air Crew and Flight Dispatchers
06 [4-2020-02A] [15-JUL-2020] Regulatory Exemption for CNS technicians and ATCOs who are regulated under GACAR Part 64 and GACAR Part 173
07 [8-2020-1-117] [30-Aug-2020] GACA Regulatory Exemption No. 4-2020-8-1-177
08 [8-2020-1-AP117] [29-Oct-2020] GACA Regulatory Exemption No. 4-2020-8-1AP-177
09 [4-2020-01B] [27-DEC-2020] Specific Reliefs for Air Crew and Flight Dispatchers
10 [2021-001-011] [31-Mar-2021] GACA Regulatory Exemption